
Standard eight, Instructional Strategies, ensures teachers use an assortment of instructional strategies to promote an effective and engaging learning environment that allows for learners to develop an understanding of the specific content, while working on building their skills.


This standard is important because teachers must be able to adapt to the different learners in the classroom; no one-size-fits-all instruction will do. Instead, being able to tailor instruction to better suit the varying needs of students is an important aspect of education.

Artifact #1: Station/Group Work

This artifact demonstrates standard 8, instructional strategies, by including station/group work activity into a lesson plan. This activity is a great way for teachers to include all their students learning styles/needs. The stations incorporate many different multiple intelligences, and promote learning for all different types of students.

Click on image to see a part of a until lesson including group work.

Artifact #2: KWL Chart

This artifact, KWL (what the student already knows, what they want to know, and what they learned) Chart is an excellent way for teachers to see where they students start and where they finish at the end of the activity, lesson or unit. Teachers are also able to find out exactly what the students want to learn about the specific topic. By using a KWL chart, teachers are able to make sure students are focusing on the specific topic and continuing to build upon their skills.

Click on the image to explore a KWL chart example.

Artifact #3: Technology Infused Lesson Plan

This artifact demonstrates the use of Green Screen Technology in the classroom. This is a great way to incorporate standard eight, instructional strategies into the classroom by using different types of teaching into lessons, teachers are able to keep the students engaged and promote active learning.

Click on the image to see an example of a technology infused lesson plan.