
InTASC standard one, Learner Development, requires teachers to demonstrate their understanding of learners on a linguistic, cognitive, social, emotional, and physical developmental scale. This standard also requires teachers to exhibit proficiency in creating different learning experiences that are engaging and developmentally relevant for the learners. Teachers must understand the unique differences in learning styles and how students process information to positively promote learning.


Exemplary teachers understand that students learn in various ways and have unique learning needs. Adhering to the criteria of the Learner Development standard, enables teachers to meet students where they are and move them forward along the continuum of development. It is essential that teachers understand how students grow and progress. A teacher who is able to recognize the different patterns of learning and development is responsive to these distinctions and accommodates each student. The most challenging aspect for teachers is to implement differentiated instruction in order to facilitate individual student advancement.

Artifact #1:- DSA Class Record

In the classroom, there are many different levels of learners. Understanding where each student is functioning on the learning continuum is necessary for instructional planning. The Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) is a great example of an instrument that can be used to understand the differences in the word-knowledge levels of students. This diagnostic tool is used to help identify students’ orthographic stages of development and specific word features within those stage which should be addressed.

Click on image to view the DSA class record.

Artifact #2: Assimile Game

Utilizing the data gleaned from the DSA class record, effective teachers create sorts and games to cultivate language play with specific target word features.For my example, I designed a game titled Assimile. This game fosters students’ review and application of feature knowledge in relation to recognizing and identifying assimilated prefixes in words. Observing student interaction and proficiency when playing the game is an effective formative assessment to determine how well students understand the content.

Click on the image to view the game, Assimile. 

Artifact #3:- Multiple Intelligences 

Demonstration of my ability to adhere to the standard of Learner development is evident in my lesson plans. My lessons cultivate the engagement of students within a wide range of intelligences. It is important to consider multiple instructional approaches when designing lessons for a classroom of students with varied experiences, interests, and abilities. 

Click on the image to view day one of my lesson plan, which includes multiple intelligences.